
Feedback / Game suggestions  


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19/12/2016 10:57 am  

Congratulations for the release of the game. I used to be a fan of the Moon Tycoon and I was very happy to see the genre refreshed. I have just bought the game and it rally pleases the eye. I am looking forward to the final product. I think the idea behind the beta is to give you some feedback about it. 

# I like how one can add a cap on water extraction to save storage. Why not on all the production?

#Colonist Accommodation choices balancing is confusing. I see how bigger cost less nanites but why in the later game when nanites are plenty would i build anything else than small apartments that use less energy per colonist and allow for better commute network plan. 

#Buildings placement: Considering the nature of the game it would make sense to make location of the buildings more dependable on each other, so far you place your buildings depending on:


  • resources location on the map (reaching ore/farming/shafts)
  • commute time (apartment locations dictated by the location of workplaces, yet no bonus if placed together)
  • air shafts grid distribution (yet the best logic of placing them is a mystery, so far only waiting to receive a critical-air-quality notification to recognize where to put a filter)
  • entertainment buildings distribution to serve workplaces (confusing, why work places, not accommodation?)

I believe that game would benefit if more dependencies were added: 

  • Efficiency boosts or penalties depending on location of the buildings in relation to each other:
    • bonuses for grouping together/pairing factories
    • farming penalties for farms if earth plants and aven plants are neighboring
    • commute happiness boosts for work locations attached to accommodation (requires tunnel connection now as if workplace is placed next to apartment it is still considered by the game as walk-through penalty)
    • randomizing those dependencies for each game via research could significantly benefit the game play 


# Overlays colors are not clear and not compatible with description.

# Tunnels junctions graphics looks mundane between the buildings.

#Research center becomes quickly useless.  

#Chemical plants and mills: Why can't specialize specific mills for production and the production choices are universal/global for all the mills: flour issue.

# Add options to develop the player's character, not only get promoted (Tropico 5 style)

# 10 campaign missions seem very little for a game with this potential (see Pharaoh/Cleopatra/Cesar etc. campaigns mission scenarios  for inspiration) Can suggest few if you ask.

# Add wonders, special buildings.

# more on the map resources types that diversify construction(luxury resources/products).

#inter colony trading, allows for setting up trading with previously built colonies.

Thank you!


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Joined: 7 months  ago
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19/12/2016 11:04 am  

Ah, And it would make sense to make colony required to send resources to the ship without anything in return (food supply mostly) as a tax/responsibility towards the mothership. The amounts/frequencies would depend on game difficulty and not doing so would result in automatic loose of the next referendum/ colonist intake amounts/ other penalties. Effective factor to address the game difficulty and make development of the colony more demanding and specialized. 

Eminent Member
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13/01/2017 6:37 am  

It is almost as if you're best to consider a colonist is in both places, at work and at home, since there's no apparent difference and their movement aren't shown real-time anyway. Where also why you can't see the list of residents at a residential building as there is currently up to 120 and they are all affected the same way anyway but are central (everyone works in different places). Even if the entertainment building is on the other side of the colonist's commute from work to home, they could still theoretically go after hours and still get home on foot. And it fells like the Sky scraper should have either a 3rd and 4th size tier, or the option to add those other beneficial modules (food, education, medical, entertainment etc) around the main building. But if any colonist can do any job it sucks you can't train them to be good at certain jobs and pay them more.

And, I'm not here to judge how you design your colonies, but setting them out so that you can delete all smaller resi-blocks and put in a skyscraper later on, ensuring that you have roughly 120 or more jobs in close commute range will save on headaches later. Otherwise it is almost impossible to see a full skyscraper as colonist stubbornly refuse to live in them. And when you do it will be accompanied by "crowding". It's like they see no benefit in it.

I would only want the skyscrapers (even if you're seeing them as flimsy things built with the same bubble wrap and hot glue because it is humanity's first steps on this world.. otherwise they would be much bigger and more expensive) have more benefits. I'm starting to not like making comparisons to SimCity, but until you're in a place where you can build a dozen skyscrapers and can lose that much real estate they must have extra benefits. Like internal cafes and entertainment. Some type of buff added to residents so it makes sense for people to live there instead of the cheaper and much more convenient habs and apartments.

AND perhaps why distance from house to work needs to be short so anywhere else they should be, entertainment hospital etc is within each distance to place these other buildings.

Also I wouldn't call it boosting. The game has a system in place to ensure you process your stored materials by telling you that there's no power your food is spoiling.. but even in that drastic case it doesn't matter as quantity of food by far surpasses the importance of quality of food. But having a freshness aspect would ensure you store stuff only briefly before processing it and serving it for consumption. You shouldn't be able to get an Excellent rating on your food unless it actually IS fresh and made from fresh ingredients. Like having food grown near to and processed near to, and served AT a cafe in a skyscraper should be the only way to get an excellent rating on your food and have a accordingly drastic morale boost. Versus slumming it on days old rat bitten entari burgers. That and food that is spoiled.. garbage? no garbage system? sigh.

The longer things are stored the less fresh it is. But given that stock isn't moved around and stored that way I don't think such a system can be added or matters.


Eminent Member
Joined: 7 months  ago
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13/01/2017 6:43 am  

But then again.. can't compare this game to any other really because you'll start to feel really let down. Consider all of the islands and shipping in Anno and how massive those maps were. These maps are like postage stamps in comparison.

Even the first Cities in Motion's maps are massive in comparison.


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